New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

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  • September 05, 2022 7:26 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    This woman makes Ñandutí lace out of denim cutouts. It's cool, and expensive. 

    Libby Newell.

  • August 29, 2022 5:11 PM | Sumiko Tray

    Spaces are still available.  The dates are from 9/22 to 9/26.  There is an option to choose the dates during this time.  Please contact me if you are interested in Kumiko Nakazaki’s workshop.  My e-mail address is and the cell phone number is 704-501-7923.  Kumiko will be teaching at the Finger Lace Guild Retreat this year.  Anyone who needs Kumiko’s instruction after the retreat is very welcome.

  • August 22, 2022 2:18 PM | Jill Hawkins

    Offered through the Lace Museum, join this virtual class every Thursday from Sept 29th - November 17, 2022
    To Sign Up for This Class you need to Contact:

    The Bedfordshire Butterfly: an Interdisciplinary Adventure in Three Lace Techniques

    Course Description: Made in five separate pieces, students will learn elements of 3 different lace techniques in one pattern that include Honiton, Bedfordshire and Cluny laces….a three for one! The body of the Butterfly uses Honiton techniques including starting at a point, working up the edge, the four-pin bud, working with and crossing the coarse thread, making a divided trail and ending at a point. The lower and upper wings use techniques from Bedfordshire and Cluny lace that include the Bedfordshire and Cluny joins, crossing trails, Bedfordshire circles, adding and deleting pairs, leaves, picots, cloth stitch trails and footside techniques, plus pattern interpretation, design, and the use of color. A bonus discussion on how to use this pricking with Honiton Fillings will also be discussed. The pattern was redrafted by Holly Van Sciver from a traditional pattern published by Pamela Nottingham.

    Dates: 8 Thursdays – September 29, October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, and 17, 2022 (24 hours of class time)

    Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Pacific

    Registration Fee: $280

    Please visit the event page for more information.

  • August 17, 2022 1:48 PM | Jill Hawkins

    Clare Settle's partner, Bob, was tragically killed in a car accident last week. Here is the link to the obituary:

    Jill Hawkins

  • August 14, 2022 4:07 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    This story about an installation at the Waco Airport had me intrigued, for sure. 

    Picks for Waco airport art highlight flight, mammoths

    “It was like nothing we had ever seen before, a traditional art form — lace making — but at such a large scale. … It’s a simple design, but complicated in how it’s executed,” Dyer said.

    They are musing about cotton. But obviously it should be wooly....

    She has not decided what material to use in Waco, but is considering cotton, given the city’s history as a cotton growing hub, she said. Also undetermined is how much of the piece she will weave onsite.

    See more of Manca Ahlin's work at her website:

  • August 13, 2022 1:53 PM | Bryce Wolf

    I learned today that Nancy Hood, long-time lacemaker and contributor to our NELG logo passed away on July 30, 2022. Her picture is included in our most recent newsletter among the other participants. Her generosity to our library and silent auction has been very much appreciated. Our thoughts and sympathies to her family and friends.

  • July 22, 2022 12:01 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    Spotted this podcast episode with some names I recognized, and I thought it was nicely constructed. It celebrates lace history and traditions but also moves it forward with contemporary lace art.


    You can listen on podcast apps or from the web page, but also go see the episode page for some lovely images of lace work and links to a lot of good resources. 

  • July 19, 2022 2:56 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    Today I went into the studio at WBUR, a Boston NPR station, to talk about Ipswich lace. I had pitched it as a story idea for their Hidden History segment in April, and they researched it more and decided to run it.

    Link to audio: How hundreds of men, women and children built a cottage lace industry in Ipswich

    They had reached out to the Ipswich Museum and Katherine Chaison and brought her in as well. She was terrific. 

    Karen Thompson was able to talk with them as well, so we have that audio--I'm so glad that worked out. 

    And they wanted to know about young people making lace, so I pointed them to LaceTok! They found several bits of audio there to use as well. [I didn't tell them that was a local thing, it just got twisted a little there]. 

    I wish I had more time to explain our work on the mobile exhibit, but that's ok--anyone looking for Ipswich lace will find us now and we can spread the word in other ways. It was still great to raise the profile of this lace and have a way for people to find out more. 

    If you want to see some of the things we talked about--like Alexander Hamilton's papers and the sample lace, start here: Ipswich Lace at Wikipedia

  • July 12, 2022 6:42 PM | Jill Hawkins

    The Boston NPR station, WBUR, has a local show called RadioBoston. They have a relatively new segment called "Hidden History", and Mary Mangen pitched to them the Ipswich Lace story this past April. 

    They have been pre-interviewing and researching it, and they have decided to run with it next Tuesday (July 19). So (assuming no breaking news or something wild), they will have someone from the Ipswich Museum and Mary to talk about Ipswich lace. (We offered them Karen Thompson and she did talk with them during the background research, but they wanted someone local, I guess!) Mary will be bringing in her samples to the studio so they can have a look as well. Hopefully they'll post some photos with the story.

    11am ET is the live version, and they typically replay the show at 3pm. But it should be stored long-term and accessible later. They have a stream option so you don't have to be in the radio range.

    It's all because of our project to raise the profile of Ipswich lace. It's working! 

  • July 01, 2022 5:04 PM | Bryce Wolf

    This is just to reassure lacemakers in the Eastern MA area that once again Sharon Sacco and I will be driving out to Springfield on Sept. 7 to deliver entries to the BigE lace competition. So finish up those UFOs and plan on getting them to us by the preceding weekend! Entry forms and other information can be found on the BigE website. (We will also deliver entries to other departments as well.)

    Happy lacemaking!

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update July 18, 2024