New England
Lace Group

NELG Lace Challenge

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are all the rage among artists of all medium types. They are 2½" by 3½" cards that are used as the support for 2-D art, and are either traded with friends or other artists or are kept and displayed as small examples of the person’s work.

Each year you are challenged to create an ATC with your handmade lace as at least part of the art: it must be made by you and can be any form of lace. It should be 2-D and fit in the space of the card, and must meet the specifications of the theme for the current year.  

Previous year's challenges and entries:

2023 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2023

2022 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2022

2021 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2021

2019 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2019

2018 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2018

2017 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2017

2016 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2016

2015 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2015

2014 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2014

2013 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2013

2012 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2012

2011 entries - details of the challenge: Lace Challenge 2011

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update July 18, 2024