New England
Lace Group

President - Rosalie Bares

I began making lace after I attended a Connecticut Lace Day around 11 years ago.  I just loved the lacemakers.  Although I brought my needlework, I was welcomed by a host of talented women. 

I began taking classes at retreats, and at workshops in Vermont.  I’m still in the beginner stage but keep working at it.  

You can reach Rosalie at

Vice President - Clare Settle

I began making crocheted lace in my teens, learned to knit and weave over the next couple of decades, and in 1994, I began making bobbin lace. As many people do, I started with Torchon, and then continued to Point Ground laces. Having become fascinated with Binche at an early point in my lacemaking, I have studied it, and now predominantly focus on making and designing Binche. 

My first encounter with NELG began when I met Jill Hawkins and Barbara McGuire as they demonstrated at the Big E in 1994. The organization continues to be an invaluable resource to me. It provides many opportunities to learn, to develop connections with friends, and to share knowledge. I’m excited to be involved in Programs, as they provide a chance to learn through hands-on instruction and education into the history and ongoing development of lace. 

You can reach our Vice President at

Treasurer/Membership - Barbara Morrow

I discovered bobbin lace at a craft festival in Stratford, CT where a woman was standing at a pedestal in colonial dress making lace.   Then the Arachne e-mail list came along and from there a teacher was found who had beginning classes at Marymount College.  That was the start of a sometime casual, sometime intense interest in lacemaking – supplemented by lace knitting.  Retirement and many classes later, Barbara has recently had more time has been spent making lace.   

Always ready to travel, I have combined many trips with the opportunity to take classes, including IOLI conventions, retreats and a trip to Denmark in 2013 to learn more about Tønder lace.  I have previously been a member of NELG’s Executive Board, including Vice President and Member-at-Large. Questions should be sent to the following:

Treasurer: NELGTreasurer@gmail.comMembership:

Librarian - Mary Mangan

I am a fan of many textile crafts and of American history. I came to lace through my volunteer work at an American Revolutionary War site in my hometown. When I grasped the important role of lace in fashion and in the economy, I was determined to learn how it was made. My beginner class with NELG in 2019 has opened up so many opportunities to learn new skills and unearth new stories of lace history. I am particularly interested in America's only handmade bobbin lace, Ipswich Lace. And I have so many books now. Let me loan you some.

Requests to borrow books from the NELG Library should be sent to

Newsletter Editor - Gail MacLean

I saw my first lace in progress at a New Year’s Eve party in the early 80s. Soon thereafter I was fortunate to find a nearby teacher, Margaret Lancaster, who became a friend and mentor until her death in 1997 at age 99! I attended my first International Organization of Lace convention in Denver in 1989 but didn’t join NELG until after my retirement from software development in 1999. I enjoy the continuous laces most (Torchon, Bucks, Tonder and Binche), but have recently discovered the joys of Milanese and Beds, as well as the challenges of reconstructing antique lace. With another NELG member, I have taught lace to Girl Scouts. I have been the NELG Newsletter editor since 2008 and attend retreats and Connecticut Lace Days whenever I can.  

Gail can be reached at

Webmaster and Member-at-Large - Jill Hawkins

I have been a member of NELG since 1986 and have twice served as President. I have always had an interest in fiber arts - my mother was a seamstress, and I learned at a early age to sew, knit, embroider and crochet. Lace making has been my passion since I learned bobbin lace in 1985 while living in Glastonbury, England. While I have tried many different types of lace, my favorites are Bedfordshire, Bucks Point and Milanese. 

I have been Webmaster for NELG since 2010 and was elected Member at Large in 2019.

Jill can be reached at NELGWebmaster@gmail.comFor Member-at Large issues, please use

Clerk - Carolyn Wetzel

Lace caught my interest in elementary school when the librarian set up a display of tatting in the library showcase. My mom bought me a shuttle, ball of crochet cotton, and Coats & Clark’s “Learn to Tat” booklet, and my lace making avocation was launched. It wasn’t until I moved to Ithaca, NY, for graduate school and found the Finger Lakes Lace Guild that I expanded into bobbin and needle lace. Several moves around the country later I landed in Massachusetts in 2002 and was introduced to NELG by a friend from Ithaca. I was NELG Vice-President/Program Chair for several years. I’ve attended numerous workshops, retreats, and IOLI conventions as a student and more recently as a needle lace teacher. I’ve written several lace-related articles for Piecework Magazine and the IOLI Bulletin, and am always on the lookout for another topic to write about. When I was a poor graduate student I was impressed by people who could travel to Europe to study lace – now I am one of them, and enjoy meeting and learning from lace teachers in Italy and Spain. Groups such as NELG are vital to the continuation of our craft (“craft” used in the historical sense of fine craftsmanship) and everyone’s involvement in NELG is greatly appreciated by me and the other Executive Committee members!

Carolyn can be reached at

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025