New England
Lace Group

The Story of the NELG Logo

The New England Lace Group was founded in 1982 by a small group of lace makers. But the project of a logo for NELG wasn’t initiated until the end of 1986. It was decided unanimously that a map, made in lace, of all six New England states would be the ideal symbol.



Angela Pollino conceived the idea and took responsibility for the design and the final framing of the “lacey” map. Each state was to be worked in a different style or technique using The Book of Bobbin Lace Stitches by Cook and Stott as a common reference.  The original design was drawn by Angela’s nephew, but the state of Maine had to be reduced slightly in size so that the whole design would fit within the desired frame area.  Pictured above are (from left to right) Doris Schick, Nancy Hood, Angela Pollino and Laura Bensley.


Doris Schick also worked the NELG initials. When each state had been completed, Laura Bensley took on the task of sewing all the states together. In April 1989, the finished map was finally framed and displayed to NELG members at the monthly meeting at the Joshua Hyde Public Library in Sturbridge, MA.


State Name

Lace maker

Lace Style


Doris Schick

Moulinet Stitch


Angela Pollino

Tombolo Technique

New Hampshire

Laura Bensley

Mayflower Stitch


Susan Bicket

Bias Ground #5

Rhode Island

Lies Stolk

Half Stitch


Nancy Hood

Zigzag Stitch


In 1996 Marni Harang, as Newsletter Editor, with some assistance from Lies Stolk and Clare Settle, used modern computer technology to bring the NELG logo on to the front page of the 16th issue of the NELG newsletter.  Since then it has graced the cover of every newsletter and adorned registration forms, retreat nametags, and any other correspondence generated for NELG business.


And who looks after this treasure? It is usually given into the care of the newly elected President by the retiring President at the Annual Meeting.

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025