New England
Lace Group

"Threads Make The Lace"


How often do you worry about how to choose the correct thread for a bobbin lace pattern? Some patterns come with thread recommendations, but often those threads are not available or you have a different thread that you want to use for the project. While there are guidelines related to footside pins per inch, the best way to get the finished look that you want is to make a sample. Then if the lace doesn’t look like you want it to, you can change either the thread (size, texture, fiber) or the pattern size (enlarge or reduce).

This group project is to show how a variety of thread-pattern size combinations of one pattern leads to different looking lace. The goal is to put photos of the laces along with the thread and pattern size information on the NELG website as an educational display. If you are willing to donate your finished sample to NELG, it can become part of a display for demonstrations, etc, too.

"Theads Make the Lace" is an educational project for members to participate in.  Using the pricking available here, choose the size pattern, size, color and fiber of thread you want to use to make the small Torchon piece. 

  • Include at least one spider and one whole stitch diamond
  • Use the cross-twist-pin-cross-twist Torchon ground

You can either send a good quality digital image of your lace including a ruler for scale, or send the actual piece in.  Images will be posted on the website to demonstrate what effect thread choice has on the finished look of the lace.  Lace that is sent in will be used to make a display for NELG demonstrations, exhibits, etc.


Questions should be addressed to  Thank you for your participation in this group project, and don't forget to report  your volunteer hours spent working on it!

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025