New England
Lace Group

Creative Arts / The Big E

Click the image below to view the photo album with all the entries for 2023.


Creative Arts 2023 entries

2023 Creative Arts

Each year, members are encouraged to submit at least one entry to the lace category of Creative Arts at The Big E.  In addition to cash prizes awarded by Creative Arts for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, other special awards are given in several different categories.  The Special Sponsor Awards usually include the following:

  • NELG presents the following:
    • Technical Proficiency (Adult) - one year membership to NELG
    • Best Beginner (Adult) - one year membership to NELG
    • A cash award for the Best Youth entry
  • Best Traditional Bobbin lace
  • Best Use of Color in any lace
  • Best Torchon lace
  • Best Tatted lace

Click to view the winners:

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update July 18, 2024