New England
Lace Group

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  • April 06, 2023 10:56 AM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    I was looking for something else in The Met today, and came across this remarkably colorful piece. 

    I don't really have anything else to add, but wanted to capture it before I moved on to what I really wanted.

    Capuchin 1725-1750

    What I really wanted: American 1820-1829 black silk cloak with a Ipswich-like trim.

  • March 28, 2023 3:08 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    I was alerted today that Louise West's husband had died this morning. There was a recent hospitalization and some hope that a new treatment path would be the right thing, but apparently that's not the outcome. 

    I'm told it's out there on facebook now, so if you want to look for more on that it's around. 

    I have a contact email for Louise if anyone wants it, but I don't want to post it publicly. Let me know if you would like it and I'll send it.

  • March 28, 2023 9:11 AM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    I was actually looking at this artist's work based on another thing she did for the Sanger Center -- a cholera dress and a syphilis slip -- but looking around her site I found this older work on linen. I was hoping for more science, but it was still a neat video and SPOILERS: ends with lace. Scroll down the page for the video. 

    Linen: From the Field.

    And if you are curious, here is the pathogen dress set. Cholera and syphilis captured in BioArt .

  • March 14, 2023 6:03 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    I recently watched a whole Rembrandt documentary just to look at the collars. 

    But this art historian just did a whole post on the painting of lace and what the details tell her.

    Rembrandt's Lace 

  • February 23, 2023 8:20 PM | Bryce Wolf

    I found this short YouTube video on the conservation of a 1660 dress really interesting. It is heavily embellished with a point ground lace unique in the use of a ribbon-like gimp (described as parchment lace - paper tightly wrapped in silk thread). Take a look!

  • January 23, 2023 4:54 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    I mean, the whole deal with 2 NELGs is ruff... Maybe we can just use it as a tag line.

    Anyway: nice piece in The Magazine Antiques about the Bard exhibit: "End Notes: Frill Seekers".

  • January 21, 2023 8:57 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    Hey fans of historic laces: the video of our talk for the Maine Historical Society is up. You can find it on youtube at this link:

    It also sits at a page on the MHS site, if you prefer that link. 

    The Story of Ipswich Lace, a Unique American Craft of the Early Republic *NORTHERN THREADS SERIES* 

  • January 07, 2023 2:09 PM | Sumiko Tray

    The year 2022 was OIDFA’s 40th anniversary.  In order to celebrate, OIDFA published the pattern collection.  It contains various lace patterns such as tape lace, Torchon Lace, Polychrome Lace, needle lace to name a few.  The price is $27.  I have only 2 copies left.  If anyone is interested, please contact me at  

  • December 09, 2022 4:35 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    Lace, that Most Coveted Textile [that should be a gifted article link that gets you past the paywall]

    And they have Fanny Appleton Longfellow's dress. Someone in the comments talked about that as well, there's another piece about that at a different site. 

    A French Gown in the Spanish Style

  • November 24, 2022 12:53 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

    This is remarkable--a bobbin lace chair with an actual bolster headrest and bobbins hanging. 

    lluís alexandre casanovas blanco's 'UMT' chair explores politics of traditional weaving crafts

    For the past four years, Spanish architect Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco worked closely with his mother, María Lluïsa Blanco Estébanez, to develop the intriguing ‘UMT’ chair. Sporting a minimalist black frame and a delicate lace-made backrest and seat, the chair is both a furniture piece and an historical investigation into the politics of traditional weaving techniques, particularly the use of bobbin lace in decoration.

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update October 16, 2024