What a great meeting we had yesterday in Sturbridge. Our business meeting was short and sweet, lots covered. This website is being tested as I type away.
Big Congratulations to Carolyn Wetzel - her article on the Napoleon Bee will be published in Piecework sometime this spring!
Big Congratulations to Jeanne Goodwin - she received her Master Crocheter status from Crochet Guild of America! Kudos to Jeanne. I'm looking forward to seeing her sample book at studio this week.
New member Erin, from Cambridge came to the meeting. She's a great tatter - hmmm sounds like another meeting topic to set up. Welcome Erin!
This meeting's session was hosted by our own Bryce Wolf - Thanks to Bryce - she gave us plently of information, helpful techniques, and projects to make with those pesty metallic threads we all 'love' so much.
All in all - if you couldn't make the meeting - we hope to see you next month. February will be a slide show and a door prize?? More information to come.
Wishing you great health, great fun, and great lace,