New England
Lace Group

Another Improvement for NELG

February 27, 2011 6:41 PM | Deleted user

I'll admit preparing the website for our visitors has been challenging and most of all fun.  It's been great to work with our President, Jill Hawkins, so that we bring more of what we have to our members.

You may notice a tool bar popping up at the bottom of the screen.  Yes, this will assist members in posting what they like on FaceBook, it will allow our website to be translated into many different languages - and if it bothers you - you can minimize it so it won't bother your veiwing.

The other small yet great improvement, is that next to our name is our Logo and now in most brower address windows - you'll see our logo and not a generic logo.

Thanks for all you do to represent the art of lace!

Enjoy lacing ---  Patty

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025