New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

NELG loves to hear about what is going on in your life.  We hope that everyone will take a try at letting us know what new activities are going on. 

If you would like a RSS feed, click on the icon above and set your browser and you'll receive the posts as they are published.

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  • March 31, 2011 7:07 PM | Deleted user

    Thanks to my girlfriend, Barbara for the link to this article found today on the WJS.

    Click here New Life for the Historic Art of Lace-Making  in the On Style page today.  There is a video, article, slideshow.  Ms. Christina Binkley wrote the article and it indicates that lace is coming back into style.

    The machines weaving the lace are remarkable.   Take a look!

    Happy Lacing!

    PS  the designers are still complaining that it takes too long to get a piece of lace - guess not much has changed!

  • March 29, 2011 6:27 PM | Deleted user

    Hi all,

    You may have seen this one already.  Though it needs repeating the dark and dreary winter is shrinking away.  Yarn meets potholes.  It's really colorful.



  • March 29, 2011 11:53 AM | Anonymous
    I received the following email yesterday regarding a great new website that is a fantastic resource for all lace makers.  Please take a moment to check out the link by either clicking below or by going to NELG's page with Links to Great Websites.  Happy exploring!

    Dear Fellow lace enthusiasts,
    I am the webmaster of a new website which I think may be of great interest to your members. I would invite you to look at it, and if you approve, add it as a link on your own site. The site is for education purposes only not for profit.
    As you will see, one click on a picture will enlarge it, and a second click will enlarge it further so that in many cases it is possible to examine the actual structure well enough to replicate it, should one wish. You can click on a purpose, which will take you to others of that function, and a click on that posting will bring up the picture. You can search for some particular textile style, similarly.
    It is an interactive site and comments are welcomed, especially if you have more specific information regarding any piece. The Introduction gives a general background, and it is worth looking at the site regularly since the aim is to add a further 10 items a week.
  • March 22, 2011 10:14 PM | Deleted user

    Over the weekend, I heard from Judy in New Jersey about missing newsletters.  She gave me a call and we had the chance to discuss NELG. 

    While NELG has now a complete Newsletter listing, from the beginning of time, Once again - thanks to our members we were able to complete the set.

    Judy - thanks for the call.  I'll be looking forward to additional suggestions for NELG's future.



  • March 22, 2011 2:09 PM | Jill Hawkins
    I just clicked on the map at the bottom of the home page to see where visitors to our website are located I was astounded to see that we had 8 hits from Taiwan, as well as 2 from Australia!  If you haven't looked at the map, take a moment to check it out.

  • March 20, 2011 9:06 AM | Jill Hawkins

    Sharon gave a GREAT program yesterday as a continuation of her program from last year on Romanian Point Lace.  The lace is so satisfying because it combines the use of crochet and needlelace, the patterns are easy to work, you can design your own with little effort and the work grows quickly!  What more could you want?

    There are several videos on the web that show how to make the cord, but there is one (thank you Susan!) that shows quite clearly how to make the reversible cord which can be unraveled from either end.  Here is the link  When the web page opens, you will need to scroll down through her written instructions to find the video.  From watching her, I think I could now make the reversible cord, although it is definitely counter-intuitive to crocheters to do the yarn over in a different way for the second part of the stitch.  Enjoy!


  • March 15, 2011 2:07 PM | Deleted user

    Everyone - has anyone been to Singapore or Indonesia?  I'm leaving on the 31st of May for a trip there.  Does anyone know of any lace or fiber groups over there?

    Ring in here and let me know.  I'll be sure to log onto our site and get a red dot for both places!


  • March 07, 2011 9:06 AM | Deleted user

    One week and one day from today is the deadline for signing up for Retreat!

    NELG Retreat Registration Form 2011.pdf  is the registration form and Retreat descriptive information 2011.pdf  will give you information about the weekend.

    I've attended over the last three years, and my experience was great. Both years I came for Friday night (late) and through Sunday.  I took part in the retreat aspect only and did not take a class.  I took some of my unfinished projects and completed two of them last year!  Not only was the weekend beautiful, walks on the grounds, at the beach, being with very creative people, I completed two old projects that became gifts with past holiday season!

    We hold a silent auction that benefits our group.  Members donate lace related items - some real treasures!  You write in bids and just before breakfast on Sunday (the bidding can get fierce) the bidding comes to and end. 

    The classes are always rewarding.  We arrange to have great teachers so you can experience a new type of lace or expand your knowledge. 

    However you chose to enjoy retreat, I will tell you that you will have a great time.

    So get your reservations in as soon as possible - MARCH 15th is the deadline!

  • March 06, 2011 10:36 AM | Deleted user

    With my heavy work schedule at this time of year, I was unable to attend the CT Lace gathering yesterday.  I'm sure they had a great time and with the snow in January and February, the CT group had not had a chance to meet.  There was also Lace at Leis's yesterday.

    I hope someone logs in to tell of the festivities!! 

    If you are looking to make lace today with other lace makers - there is the Sunday Lace Group  that meets in eastern Massachusetts today.

    Are you interested in making lace?  Wish to get together with other lace makers?  Then let us know - you can email us at so we can look into getting a group together in your area.

  • February 27, 2011 6:41 PM | Deleted user

    I'll admit preparing the website for our visitors has been challenging and most of all fun.  It's been great to work with our President, Jill Hawkins, so that we bring more of what we have to our members.

    You may notice a tool bar popping up at the bottom of the screen.  Yes, this will assist members in posting what they like on FaceBook, it will allow our website to be translated into many different languages - and if it bothers you - you can minimize it so it won't bother your veiwing.

    The other small yet great improvement, is that next to our name is our Logo and now in most brower address windows - you'll see our logo and not a generic logo.

    Thanks for all you do to represent the art of lace!

    Enjoy lacing ---  Patty

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update October 16, 2024