New England
Lace Group


June 20, 2011 12:26 PM | Deleted user

This past Saturday was NELG's Annual Meeting.  According to our bylaws, we have an annual meeting for the purpose of voting on any business and for the election of certain officers. 

It was a tough election with lots of absentee ballots!  Thanks to everyone that responded to the election and came to the meeting.  When it can down to it....  Mary Linden was elected to be our Member at Large and yours truly was elected to be the President.  While both of us take office offically on September 1st, we have already begun various projects for NELG. Mary will be orchestrating the Big E.  Applications will be due first - even if you are not sure you'll be entering, send in an application!  I would hope that we have lots of entries.  I'll be working with our Librarian Elisabeth on a new way of seeing our book list and preparing a much needed list of policies.  While that will be ongoing, we will begin to apply for our non-profit status.

Much thanks, let's hear it, to our outgoing President, Jill Hawkins and Member at Large, Barbara Morrow for a great job they have done over the last four years.  Thank you Jill and Thank you Barbara.


New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated January 28, 2025