New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

NELG loves to hear about what is going on in your life.  We hope that everyone will take a try at letting us know what new activities are going on. 

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  • May 09, 2011 5:37 PM | Deleted user

    Hi All,

    Beginning last week, Barbara Morrow forwarded the information we have collected on all our volunteer hours.  Thank you to Barbara for retaining the volunteer hours.

    I will be adding the PAST year 2010 and 2009 to our new database system to track the information.

    With adding the PAST years information, if you submitted hours, you will receive an email detailing your submitted information.

    If you find a error, please contact me directly at




  • May 08, 2011 10:55 PM | Deleted user

    Thanks to Clare for hosting CT Lace Day yesterday.

    It was a great day.  We got some lace, knitting, crochet, etc made.  We were all discussing the upcoming Retreat and IOLI convention.

     Retreat looks like it is full!  I'm really looking forward to a great weekend in Wareham MA.


  • May 02, 2011 7:45 PM | Deleted user

    Lace work takes me many places on the web.  I was at the IOLI website and looking at the Gallery of work made by members. 

    Our own Gail MacLean's handkerchief corner is on the site - you can see it at

    Gail - it's beautiful - I'm inspired!



  • May 01, 2011 9:02 PM | Deleted user

    Has any of our members been on a tour of the Smithsonian Lace collection?

    I was reading Piedmonth Lace Guild of Virginia and they have posted their pictures on Flicker of their visit - 

    Some really great pictures here,



  • May 01, 2011 8:21 AM | Deleted user

    Yesterday was so much fun!  Clare, Jeanne and myself volunteered and demonstrated at the 102nd festival.  Much thanks to the Connecticut Sheep Breaders Association for the invitation to demonstrate lace making all day.

    Clare had set up a great table with Jeanne by the time I arrived.  It was quite a cool day with the wind and clouds and trips over to the food barn for hot coffee was good.  We met lots of folks and heard so many family stories about lace making.

    Our booth was quite busy throughout the day.  It's a great show with lots of sheep, shepards and their dogs, and then the fleeces.  Whatever you could think of you could purchase in the way of assorted equipment and supplies.  Great yarns, roving, spinng wheels, and buttons.  I'll write about the button lady another day.  Just a note, it was like being in a candy store.

    All in all, it was a great day.  We made a couple inches of lace with the festival attendees. We handed out lots and lots of NELG brochures and hope to introduce more people to the love of lace making.

    PS there was lots of buzz about "The Dress"!


  • April 29, 2011 11:36 AM | Carolyn Wetzel
    Check out the information about the royal wedding dress with needlework by the Royal School of Needlework:

    They don't say if any of the lace is actually hand-made, just that it is hand-assembled. Anyone know?
  • April 11, 2011 2:51 PM | Deleted user

    Just the other day I received my packet for the Milanese class.  This is my first class in this type of lace. From the information I received, it is going to be a great class.  I've sent in my choice for a project - it will be the Moon. 

    I have some homework to be done in advance, as that will make better use of class time.  Get supplies organized, get thread, wind bobbins, make the pricking - this is going to be exciting!

    Hmmmm....  What pillow to use  or is this an opportunity to get a new pillow?  Such decisions a lace maker is confronted with!

    Hope you are coming to the Retreat.  I'm not sure if there are any spaces left, but if you are interested - email us and we will let you know.

  • April 08, 2011 10:20 PM | Deleted user

    On behalf of us, we wish Clare a speedy recovery from surgery.  She's at home now and recouping.  Please keeping sending  her wishes to keep her spirits up during recovery.



  • April 03, 2011 12:51 PM | Jill Hawkins

    Barb McGuire shared this amazing YouTube video recently.  While not related to lace-making, I believe it will touch and inspire anyone who watches it.


  • March 31, 2011 7:07 PM | Deleted user

    Thanks to my girlfriend, Barbara for the link to this article found today on the WJS.

    Click here New Life for the Historic Art of Lace-Making  in the On Style page today.  There is a video, article, slideshow.  Ms. Christina Binkley wrote the article and it indicates that lace is coming back into style.

    The machines weaving the lace are remarkable.   Take a look!

    Happy Lacing!

    PS  the designers are still complaining that it takes too long to get a piece of lace - guess not much has changed!

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update September 27, 2024