New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

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  • June 04, 2016 10:38 AM | Anonymous

    The first 44 of several thousand laces in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC went online this morning (; more will be added as they are approved.

    If you scroll down, you will see thumbnails of each of the images. By clicking on 'expand' in upper right corner of each lace you get more information, and then to see more images and more information click in lower right 'view full record'. Clicking on the image will open a new window, where you can zoom in.

    The first part of the collection to go online was the War Laces made in Belgium during WWI



  • May 06, 2016 8:28 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    I am sad to report that Jeanne Goodwin has passed away.  I knew her from NELG meetings as well as some demonstrations.  Despite her illness, she showed a strength of life that went beyond her condition.  I remember her as a positive person who did her best and frequently volunteered for NELG.

    My greatest condolences go to her family.  She is a great loss, and I will always remember her well.

  • April 29, 2016 11:14 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    The Big E special theme this year is its Centennial.  There will be two awards per division, an adult and a youth.  Each exhibitor is limited to one special theme entry which needs to be  indicated on the entry.  So, if this interests you, it is time to get working on it. 

    And, of course, please also get going on any lace entries for the Big E.

  • March 22, 2016 11:18 AM | Bryce Wolf

    In light of the recent bombing, I had a brief contact this morning with Sr. Madeleine, who, as you may remember, is now studying in Brugge, Belgium. Her response:

    Thanks I should  get a ditto pad. at least I know I have friends!!!! My tablet is dinging away.

    I am safe thank God i was not traveling as I knew the departure lounge and that Starbucks very well drank many a coffee there waiting for check in or flight. Belgium is somewhat overwhelmed we are a little country and 20 dead and 100 injured is a lot. Ferrying the injured to Gent and Antwerp.

    The famous fugitive mastermind from the paris attacks was caught a few days ago in Mollenbeek and is now in a Brugge prison not in the centrum Thank God and it is thought this is retaliation for that.

    Anyway thanks for writing and share with anyone who asks about me.

  • March 16, 2016 10:47 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    I noticed a link to this blog article posted by Jane Viking Swanson this morning on lace-chat-digest.  While it deals with crochet and knitting, I think that those of us in the lace world will gain a smile from it. 


  • March 12, 2016 11:14 AM | Bryce Wolf

    This is just a reminder to anyone who might have need for a little assistance in order to attend Retreat, the IOLI convention and/or other lace event. We do have a modest fund available to help.  However, do get your application in as soon as possible, and please read the guidelines. We especially encourage those who might be interested in bringing back a skill or program that will benefit NELG members!

    Bryce Wolf & Barbara Morrow, Scholarship Committee

  • March 11, 2016 10:15 AM | Marjorie Dashef

    If you go to and search for  "bobbin lace" you  should see  a lot of lace.

  • March 10, 2016 9:28 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    In looking at the Lace Digest this morning, I discovered a beautiful blog, , which seems to do a lot of knitting, needle lace, and embroidery.  The blogger, Yolande, lives in France now, but she is originally from Belgium.  While there are a number of blogs in French that are very good, I normally do not mention them here due to the language barrier.  This blog is posted in three languages, French, English, and Flemish (my assumption).


  • February 10, 2016 10:19 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    Gil Dye has posted a pdf of her talk on early lace at the School of Historical Lace in London on her website.  While subscribers to Arachne have seen the link, I would encourage all to take a look at it.  There is a lot of good information on how the materials were constructed, but the photography is just as important.  You can really see how these laces were made.  See

  • February 05, 2016 2:16 PM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    As snow is falling here, it is time to think ahead towards the demonstration season and the Big E.  As I have often reminded people, the Big E is one of our largest interactions with the public, both from demonstrating as well as the Big E entries.  We would love to have the display case full of beautiful lace. 

    For myself, I am planning on what will go to the Big E even at this point in time.  I have one project that will definitely be there as well as two more projects.  I hope everyone will be able to contribute to this.  Remember that the size of the project does not have to be large.  Most entries in the past have won prizes that more than covers the entry costs.  Planning ahead will make getting the project finished on time easier.  Besides, wouldn't you rather work on lace than go out to slide on some ice?

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024