New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

NELG loves to hear about what is going on in your life.  We hope that everyone will take a try at letting us know what new activities are going on. 

If you would like a RSS feed, click on the icon above and set your browser and you'll receive the posts as they are published.

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  • January 02, 2012 11:03 AM | Carolyn Wetzel
    For those who didn't catch it on Arachne - both Doris Southard and Irma Osterman died last week. They were essential to the promotion of bobbin and needle lace, respectively, in the USA, when few others even knew what it was here. 
  • December 16, 2011 3:40 PM | Deleted user

    Hi all,

    We have our meeting tomorrow. I hope to see you there!  We will have a quick meeting and then begin the holiday celebration!  For those of you that are last minute folks, we are having a grab bag - you may partake by bringing a wrapped lace related gift. 

    See the calendar for the handouts you will need.  The Library page has been updated to include a link the to Library Policies and Procedures.  It has also been updated for .....  you'll have to click NELG Library to find out what has been left under our tree!  Let me know your thoughts,

    Enjoy your lace,

  • December 10, 2011 3:08 PM | Deleted user

    Hi Members,

    Over the last nine months, I have been working on getting our Library Policy written down as part of an overall Library Project.  It seems some of us knew the procedures and some of us didn't.  Therefore, since I need to write things down, or forget them for sure, we now have our Policy.  You may access our Policy from the NELG Library page. 

    Thank you to all that participated in getting the Policy operational.  It is our first attempt with such a comprehensive Policy, so we understand that we will be tweaking as time goes on.  It will enable our Library to truly become a membership benefit. 

    At the NELG Library page you can see a glimpse of the next phase of the Library project which is to get our Library on-line.  We have added software  so you can see the cover of the book and in some instances, a description and additional information.  You can sort the list based on "Subject" matters.  We will supply more information on this as it is developed over the next few months.  Please go over and click around.  Tell us what you think - it is your Library.

    The next part of the project and will be in conjunction with the on-line Library is to cull our collection - that's Library speak to eliminate items that just don't do it any longer.  Our collection must remain relevant to our members.   We need to retire items that are not being borrowed or needed and make room for new books and materials. 

    Thank you all once again for assisting with this project.  I need plenty of help.  Please let us know - you can email me at  or Elisabeth at or our general mailbox at  We want to hear from you!

    Enjoy you Lace!

    Patty Foley


  • December 08, 2011 9:34 AM | Deleted user

    Hi all,

    I am hoping you are enjoying the picitures of the beautiful wreath we donated to the Festival of Trees at the Wadsworth Antheneum this year.  I went to the opening night and as always, it is such a treat to see all the creativity of the donors in their festive decorations.  It is a lovely fundraiser for a great museum and a great opportunity for the NELG to be present in the community.  Hmm....  the tree I purchased last year was absolutely stunning

    If you hear of other events throughout the year, please make sure to pass along the information to our Board. 

    New England Lace Group enjoys donating their time and expertise to educate the public about lace.  Enjoy



  • December 01, 2011 11:35 AM | Deleted user

    This Saturday we will be gathering at Barbara D in Hamden for our CT Lace Day.  It is a tradition that Barbara opens her home, fully decorated for the season to us and we enjoy making lace and a lovely lunch.

    This year we will have a cookie exchange along with a gift exchange.  Hope to see you there. Calendar has additional information for contacting her. 

  • November 29, 2011 11:02 AM | Deleted user

    Many thanks to Mary L for decorating the wreath and thanks to all the members that contributed the lace for the fans.  The wreath was delivered this morning to the museum - it is absolutely stunning!  It received lots of interest already.

    This is our second year at the Festival of Trees .  Last year we entered a small tree with lace fans.  This year, it is this elegant, romantic wreath. Sneak Peak of one of the Fans!  The background of the wreath is the silver dollar plant grown in Mary's backyard.

    I'll be attending the opening night to take more picutres.  Come on over and see all the Christmas Decorations.  It's a grand evening!


  • November 21, 2011 12:45 PM | Deleted user

    To all our members and to lace enthusiats all over the United States, NELG takes this moment to wish to you a most Happy Thanksgiving Holiday coming up. 

    It is a time we spend with family and friends, maybe some football games, naps on the couch, the parade, lots of great turkey, dressing and the works, and let's not forget the great desserts.  At my gathering, we begin our celebration with everyone giving a few words about what they are thankful for.  For NELG - I'm thankful for all our members; I'm thankful to hear that those with medical issues are working through and improving- you are all in our thoughts and prayers; I'm thankful that we have our art, our lace and time to enjoy it; and I'm thankful for all the amazing individuals that make up our lace community.

    May you all enjoy this holiday season - Best Wishes to you and yours - Patty Foley

  • November 14, 2011 4:08 PM | Deleted user

    Hi all,

    If you haven't noticed, there is a new menu item called Discussion Forms.  We have set up a place, thanks to a few member requests, in order to have an organized discussion about different types of lace.

    You will notice a General area - this is for all that is the 'stuff' we can discuss; we then have a separate forums about Bobbin Lace, Needle Lace and Tatting.  I welcome you to make a comment; pose a question; or offer your advance to someone else.

    It's an easy to post a new topic, and it is easy to respond. 

    Thanks to everyone - Thanks to Jill for setting it up.



  • November 11, 2011 9:09 AM | Deleted user

    If you are interested in attending a casual lace get together, this Sunday is the Eastern Masschusettes Group.  You can sign in at our Calendar where you will get additional information for contact, time, and location.

    I've been a fan our our get together in Connecticut and I'm looking foward to the Massachusetts group.  I just heard that we had a local meeting in Vermont and asked them to forward their information about their future meetings.

    Many times a member may be just a bit too far out to get to the NELG meeting in Sturbridge.  Local get togethers are a great way to share your lace, create our community and extend the geographical reaches of NELG. 

    I'm looking forward to meeting new members of NELG and listening to a great book on the trip up and back.

    Enjoy some lace this weekend!



  • November 10, 2011 3:17 PM | Deleted user

    If you have been watching the IOLI website, a discussion is mounting regarding changing the name.  It is so interesting to watch the various reasons why and why not there should be a name change.  Seems to me - it is a generational issue.

    As I wrote on their site - the name change is only the tip of the iceberg of what our IOLI needs to do.  You can read it there. 

    What's interesting is that you can not set up your own name to make a post - instead use a generic login.  While this isn't so terrible, it is difficult to respond to the individual posting a great comment.

    I do want to thank Devon for writting the article in the Bulletin and taking all the correspondence that has come in so far.  If you haven't rung in - visit the site and let them know your thoughts,


New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update September 27, 2024