New England
Lace Group

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  • September 29, 2012 10:54 AM | Deleted user
    As I opened the September meeting I was reflective as this year is about NELG going forward. As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary, we celebrate the dedication of time and effort by those wonderful lace makers before us.  They have brought us to our present. We honor them.

    It is now, as the stewards of the present and the leaders for tomorrow, that we must set out sites about lace making. How do we feel about this legacy? Where will NELG be in five and ten years from now. I ask each of you to look ahead in your life, what events can transpired in that time frame? Now, was any of it about lace?

    We are at a time, where some of our teachers have passed, retired, or find it too difficult in their life situation to continue to teach. It's the white elephant in the room, we all 'see' it, though it's a mammoth problem and question of what to do.

    Some of our members are very generous with their time. Today, I'm speaking of those individuals that demonstrate lace making throughout New England. That is where our disconnect is widening. Where does someone from the public get to take lessons after trying out lace making at a demo?

    There are lots of questions posed here. It's time for some thoughtful conversation and reflection. I will continue this topic over the coming months. I'll post more and look for your comments. So Speak Up!

    Love your Lace,

    NELG President

  • September 28, 2012 6:13 PM | Deleted user
    I know this is not about Lace - though each of us is on a computer if you are reading this. I'm not one to pass along forward emails, Yet some 15 minutes ago, I had this call.  I was intrigued, but it did not add up.  I've reported this to the Attorney General here in CT.  This ploy has been around for awhile.   Here's some research - Just Hang UP! 

    Does microsoft or a microsoft call center ever contact people via telephone to warn of impending crashes to their system?

    I was recently contacted by someone claiming to be from a microsoft call center informing me that my computer had downloaded a malicious file and was asked to press the windows key and type refetch in the run box and he was going to show me which file was infected and how to remove and or fix it was this a legitimate call?

    Vincenzo Di Russo replied on April 28, 2011
    MVP Community Moderator Community Star

    Here’s another form of Internet fraud that combines a variety of other common scams undefined social engineering, fake security software, and phishing.

    Cybercriminals have started calling people on the telephone, claiming to be from Microsoft, and offering to help solve their computer problems. Once cybercriminals have gained a victim’s trust, they can do one or more of the following:
    - Trick people into installing malicious software on their computer.
    - Take control of a victim’s computer remotely and adjust settings in order to leave the computer vulnerable.
    - Request credit card information so that cybercriminals can bill for the phony services.

    Microsoft will not make unsolicited phone calls to help you with your computer. If you receive a phone call like this, hang up.
  • September 27, 2012 9:15 AM | Deleted user
    Hi all,

    Just about all the arrangements are done.  Glad so many of you will be joining us on October 20th  at NELG 30th Anniversary Luncheon.  There are three seats left!  

    If you haven't signed up, please do so.  We will maintain a waiting list for any cancellations.  

    We have Lauran Sundin to speak about her lace journey, the winners from the Big E will be displayed with their ribbons, and a special surprise for our members.

    Looking forward to seeing you all very soon,

    love your lace


  • September 26, 2012 5:38 PM | Deleted user
    In my correspondence this week, I received a list of IOLI Video Tapes that are for sale.  I did say video tapes!.  IOLI has each of these titles in DVD and therefore wishes to clear out the old format.

    See this attached list - If YOU think NELG should get any of them, please let me know so that I may correspond back to IOLI.  These video tapes are being offered to Charter Chapters on a first come, first serve basis - then they will be offered to IOLI members after December 31, 2012.  

    Cost is $10 per video.  NELG will be glad to purchase them, if available.  Note we would then have to have them converted into DVD so everyone could use them.

  • September 25, 2012 11:58 AM | Deleted user
    From my understanding - the convention was a success!  Glad so many members took part in the event and classes.

    Next year's convention is the 60th Anniversary and will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah - on August 4 - 10, at the Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel.  It will be hosted by Beehive Lacers  - Teachers are already listed - follow the link.

    There are two items that they are in need of:

    1st - Ideas for the new logo to go with the new name - International Organization of Lace. Inc.  Submit them to Shemene Peckman email her

    2nd - Submissions are requested such as patterns, hints and tips from each chapter to be included in the 60th anniversary CD that is given out at the convention. Submit them to Marion Jones email
  • September 24, 2012 11:34 AM | Deleted user
    Congratulations to all our Volunteers!

    This is our Certificate of Achievement from IOLI for the volunteer hours that were collected by NELG during 2011.  We contributed over 1,000 hours during that time.

    We appreciate your efforts to continue to meet our mission of "promoting the making, study and collecting of handmade lace".

    PS this will be our last certificate with the old name!  

  • September 21, 2012 10:04 AM | Deleted user
    Dear Friends:

    I will be demonstrating @ the following venues from present - November:

    the Garrison House in Chelmsford, MA  2-5 on 9-30-12
    Stow MM First Patriots reenactment (Medford/Malden, MA) on 10-13
    Samuel Fitch House in Westford, MA 10-14, 10-21, 10-28, 11-11, 11-18, 11-25
    Fiber Arts Festival on 11-03 & 11-04 (Big E/Springfield)

    I know that Linda Lane will be joining me for some of it; any lacemakers that wish to join me would be very welcome.

    Linda Sheff

  • September 17, 2012 3:55 PM | Deleted user
    Big E opened last Friday - Our Jeanne G. (in pink) was there to welcome fair goers to the New England Building aka Creams Puffs.  

    She said the first day was so much fun.  She met lots of interested individuals and passed out over 25 of our brochures.

    If you have volunteered with Jeanne, then you've had the pleasure of meeting her husband, Cressy who has taken this and other pictures for NELG.  Thank you Cressy!  Thank you Jeanne for being at the fair and promoting lace and NELG.
  • September 16, 2012 8:13 PM | Deleted user
    Need a little trip?  Need to get some lace?  Check out this event!  April 2013 - in Pavia, Italy (just south of Milan) there is going to be this gathering.

    Their purpose..... "The symposium aims to encourage communication amongst young lace makers and to safeguard and promote this rich textile tradition as a form of creative expression."

    It looks exciting and I wish I could attend.  Click here for more info.

    Image from
  • September 16, 2012 11:19 AM | Deleted user
    Have you looked at your thread stash lately?  How is it being stored?  Do you remember what the heck that spool was for? 

    How about a Purge the Stash event at an NELG meeting?

    Several of my knitting and crochet groups do a "purge the stash" at meetings.  It allows other members to try out a type of thread without having to buy an entire skein, trade threads, and it get's those small ones out of your place.  Whatever is left is donated to a Senior Center and preschools for craft projects.  Great part now  - you have room for something new!

    Image courtsey Wool by Dino DeLuca
New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024