New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

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  • November 29, 2012 5:23 PM | Deleted user
    Today - not a problem - up at the crack of dawn and the sun was shinning! It was really really cold, 1 degree Celsius - that's about 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Here's the lace window dresigns from last night.  These leaves are about as wide as a half-dollar.  Made of nylon cording.  It is truly amazing.

    It sits on this house that was build back in the 1600s and has been modified many times.  Right now it is vacant. It's a great location- center of town, hm....  such ideas ?

    Here's the house - great at dusk - yes all those windows are covered with this lace covering.

    And here you can see a nice braid, picot and half stitch center.

    Anyway it was great to see this in person.  The work and the size is remarkable.

    It will be up through February 2013 - get to Bedford to see it yourself.

  • November 28, 2012 6:38 PM | Deleted user
    The AA new 777 plane landed at Heathrow with me and  without much fanfare; that's a good thing.   Travel and logistics are part of any vacation - it is a lesson in people watching.  JFK is an amazing place; so many people coming and going, each with their story.  So here begins my story!

    Once landed - I needed to find the Underground or Tube, get the correct line - Picadilly to Kings Crossing - backtrack to on the Victoria line to Euston.  There I had to juggle the train schedule to determine which train company (privatized into several companies) and get to Milton Keynes to meet Jill.  It is amazing - we are watching the board listing the trains waiting for the train to be assigned a track.  LOL  The train was already there but they didn't want the passengers to be around as the readied it for us.  The all of a sudden, the board changes and we are sent to Platform #1 - mind you we are at platform #8 - so a mob of folks go off running.  Most are pulling luggage - it seems everyone is going somewhere with luggage!  I pulled my two items and got to the train.  Now train luggage compartments are not the size of airline compartments.  It was fine as long as I stashed them in the back of the 'car' - I was fine - and some very cute men helped me out :).

    The only thing I was in trouble with was the lack of WiFi for my phone to work.  So a little snafu to tell Jill I was on the train.  Anyway - it worked out and I am here with Jill.

    First order of business to go see the building she spoke about in her article in our last newsletter.  I'll be loading the pictures in the next day or so.  It is truly inspiring - both Jill's newsletter and seeing the building first hand.  

    It was a quite night at home - glad to get here and relax.  Though it is freezing - literally 32 degrees!  Burrrrrrrr

    More tomorrow!


  • November 27, 2012 12:11 PM | Deleted user
    Hi all,
    The countdown begins, about eight hours till lift off, in a big jet flying across the pond.  Then the various tube stations, to the train station, and then there will be Jill at the Milton Keyes stop!  It will be fun to hear 'english' once again, quaint towns, the oldest iron bridge, Big Ben and of course the Queen.  Oh did I mention pubs and great english ale!

    What I find interesting is what local folks think Americans are?  Of course there are the ugly ones, the ones with big hair and live on a ranch like in Dallas, I just find it amazing.   
    So time to shut down this laptop for now, yes, it's coming with me.  How else could I upload lots of pictures from this adventure.

    Cheerio to all,
    Remember to Love your Lace,
  • November 23, 2012 11:46 AM | Deleted user
    Thursday is done - yet the best part of Thanksgiving - left overs!

    If you'd like a little more dessert? Non-fattening?  

    Check out this needle lace blog .  It's in Italian - though it doesn't need much translation.

    Lace and Art meet!  Absolutely lovely!


  • November 21, 2012 10:07 PM | Deleted user
    I take this time - this year very different from past years, to have time to reflect on those events and people who are with us and who now watch from afar of this year.  

    The last several years I've been cooking the dinner, not the turkey, at my place, packing it up in the wee hours of the a.m. to deliver them to our gathering place at my parents.  There we would continue the cooking and welcome various family members for a great dinner, good wine, loud conversation, and kids running about.

    Change is surely more a constant in our lives.  Each of us has so much to be thankful for.  If you are rushing around this holiday - I hope you take a few moments to reflect over this past year, remember those individuals who have been part of the lace of your life.  Give them a call, remember them, give them a moment of your time.  

    May you be blessed with health and happiness all this season long.  


  • November 19, 2012 12:42 AM | Deleted user
    Hi all,

    It's about a week to go before I leave for the UK!  I may even let myself get a bit excited already.

    Those of you that made arrangements for a bobbin tree - I'll be bringing them back with me - see you at the NELG meeting in December.

    If anyone wishes items for UK vendors - make arrangements now!!  I'll carry them back with me.

    Lastly - I'll be occupying Jill's time - so we may be a bit late in responding whilst (practice my English!) we get around the UK to view lots of lace.  Watch here for pictures and updates!  Wait till you see the pictures from the Palace - I'll tell you which one in another week!

    Remember ----- love your lace,


  • November 12, 2012 1:04 PM | Deleted user
    Hi everyone,

    Our November 1st newsletter is going to print today.  Thanks to Storm Sandy for delaying the release.  Thanks to Gail who was a good sport about it.  '

    Look for your link to see this great edition with many new columns and articles.  We want to hear from you about the edition - how can we best serve you - our member!  Contact me at or post your comments here.

    Love your Lace,


  • November 07, 2012 9:37 AM | Deleted user
    Hi all,

    An organization is as strong as it's members.  Each of us bring talents to the organization.  Whether you can volunteer to serve on the Board, a committee, put on an event, or taking time to demo in public.  Each of these tasks are essential to the well being of our organization.  We recognized that our time we can contribute will ebb and flow with where we are on our life's journey.

    I ask you now - what can you do for NELG?  We are still in need of two assistant librarians and the head librarian.  Both positions require coming to meetings.  One benefit you receive is to have three boxes of NELG books with you.    The 'paper work' is done by the head librarian who is to keep the library running, checking out books, and checking in books. There is a host of other duties including keeping some of the books too large to wheel around.   The assistant librarians bring their books to monthly meetings and to local gatherings.  The boxes assigned to the assistant librarians will be rotated during the year so that the local gatherings will have a fresh set to look at.

    If you are interested  in some aspect of helping out - please contact me directly at

    Thank you all,  Love your Lace


  • November 04, 2012 7:19 PM | Deleted user
    What a great time we had and this year's Fiber Festival.

    Much thanks to Linda, Linda, Carolyn W, and Kate for taking time to be in the booth with yours truly.  We missed you Mary and Barbara who couldn't make it at the last minute.  Thanks to Lynne who was demo'ing at the Storrow Town booth in full colonial dress.

    We were met with lots of questions,  we did some explaining and we made lace.  I brought out my tatting shuttle and once I get it unpacked I'll show you my first 'free from' piece of tatting.  We kept the attendees straight on the difference between the bobbins and tatting and other forms of lace.  One young lady completed my christmas themed lace snake and one woman re-learned tatting.  She's with a shop in New Hampshire and we expect to be corresponding in the near future.

    All in all, thanks so much to everyone for taking this time out to show off your lace, your talents and to promote New England Lace Group!

    Love you Lace,


  • October 31, 2012 10:22 PM | Deleted user
    Found this link to a lace event that was held earlier this month, I believe in Spain,

    El Verger 2012   XI ENCONTRE DE BOIXETS

    Not sure how it translates - though the pieces of lace are beautiful!

    Love your Lace
New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024