New England
Lace Group

Remembering Jeannet van Oord

November 10, 2019 8:48 PM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

Sadly, we received the news that Jeannet van Oord passed away yesterday, 9 November 2019.  She was a prominent lace teacher for NELG for many years.  I have met so many people who have learned from her over the years, myself included.  She will be missed, but in many ways her legacy lives on.  Even today, I was mentioning to some people that when someone says they use a 7-2 picot I usually find Jeannet somewhere in their backgrounds.

Jeannet once mentioned to me that she had started out as a general craft teacher.  Once she discovered bobbin lace, that was the craft for her.  I learned Binche from her as well as Withof.  She was special.

So for her family, I send my deepest sympathies.  While their grief is no doubt huge, there are also many of us who are also so sad at this time.


  • November 11, 2019 10:29 AM | Bryce Wolf
    I, too, fondly remember Jeannet. She was one of my first lace teachers. At my first Retreat in Wareham I recall being gently chided because I had no blue film (I had been using any ol' contact paper.). I promptly rounded up some from Jerry and off I went into the world of flanders & binche laces. She knew her stuff.
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  • November 13, 2019 11:42 AM | Sumiko Tray
    I took Jeannet’s workshop in Philadelphia many many years ago. I was a beginner. I made a daffodil corsage at the workshop. I remember the rest of the lacemakers worked on Duchesse Lace. So sad to loose her.
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  • December 02, 2019 6:12 PM | Mirjam van Oord
    Thank you all for remembering my mother! She loved all of her students in America so much!
    We miss her very much!
    Kind regards, Mirjam van Oord
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