New England
Lace Group

Membership Renewals

August 18, 2011 6:11 PM | Deleted user

Thanks to Jill when I found in my inbox was an email reminder that my membership to NELG is due in two weeks.

Yes she and I have worked long to get all the members signed up at the website.  Now we are seeing the benefits.  Over 40 reminders were automatically generated saving us time, paper, and postage.  Much thanks for those members that used the PayPal feature this morning as it saves time and energy for our Treasurer Winann.  Of course, you may mail  in a check to renew your membership. 

While automation is fine, please be assured that there still will be the personal touch in taking care of anything you may need.  Mark your calendar for September 10th - it will be our first meeting of the year.  You will be receiving a reminder about two weeks in advance with links to information you should bring to the meeting.

Thanks again,



  • May 20, 2012 10:59 PM | lvqhdbf
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