New England
Lace Group

Great Big E Creative Arts entries

October 06, 2013 6:16 PM | Carolyn Wetzel
I just scrolled through the photos of the lace entries - wonderful, beautiful work! Thanks to all of you who entered and helped  make it a great exhibit at the fair.


  • October 08, 2013 4:22 AM | Jill Hawkins
    I totally agree! And the new display case has made a huge improvement in how the entries are arranged and makes it much easier to actually see the lace.
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  • October 10, 2013 2:56 PM | Deleted user
    Thanks Carolyn - beautiful work was done by all - Next Year we want to see something of yours!
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New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024