New England
Lace Group

Eastern MA delivery to Big E

July 31, 2013 1:56 PM | Bryce Wolf
Just wanted to let those in the eastern MA area know that I am once again willing to take entries out to this year's Big E.  Just get them to me before Friday 9/6, together with their entry labels.  Bring them to the Sunday Lace day on Aug. 11 or call or email to arrange another time.

I encourage everyone to enter!  Beginners especially!  Go to the Big E website, go to the Creative Arts section under the Agriculture pull-down.  Enter for $5 by 8/1 or $10 by 8/15.  You get free entry & parking tickets! You will most likely win something!  Really!!


  • August 05, 2013 11:52 PM | Winann Steinmetz (Administrator)
    From what I read on the web page, the entries have to be delivered to the Big E on
    Friday, Sept 6 between 3pm and 6pm or
    Saturday, Sept 7 between 9am and 1 pm.
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New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024