New England
Lace Group

Elena is on fire!

April 25, 2024 9:07 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

My Grandma’s Doilies Are Not a Joke

When will art institutions finally pay respect to our foremothers’ artistry?


  • April 26, 2024 8:02 AM | Bryce Wolf
    Go get 'em, GRRL!
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  • April 28, 2024 7:03 PM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)
    It is sad when textile arts are not appreciated,or worse the butt of jokes as in this case. Crotchet and tatting come into fashion in times when most women had no legal rights, let alone control of their lives. These crafts develop in a time when people's lives are improving and they can afford slightly more than bare bones necessities. It is the story of improving economics as well as decorative fashion.
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  • April 30, 2024 10:44 AM | Gail MacLean (Administrator)
    Wonderful articulate and informed rebuttal to those negative stereotypes of ancestral skills.

    However, I'd have to say that not all the stereotypes are off the mark, especially when they are preserved in aspic rather than allowed to be adapted and expanded.

    How many of us recall being taught that the craft must be done exactly the way it has always been done, doing the art itself a disservice by forgetting that originally our grandmothers built and expanded upon what they learned from their grandmothers?

    Just saying...
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  • May 12, 2024 9:17 PM | Clare Settle (Administrator)
    An important reflection on the unrespected importance of textile crafts, and our hope to help people learn to respect them and their workers.
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  • May 14, 2024 6:56 PM | Carolyn Wetzel
    Great article, thanks for sharing it! Museums will display a toilet and call it art, but not beautiful and technically rich lace. Dysfunction in the academy.
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New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update July 18, 2024