New England
Lace Group

Red Dress, community embroidery project comes to MA in 2024

December 21, 2023 1:27 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

I have not seen this dress, and I might go when it's at this museum. Have we ever had contact with this Fuller Craft Museum? I had never heard of them before I saw this story about them.

February 2024 event: The Red Dress

The story that I saw about it: 380 Artists, 51 Countries, 14 Years: A Community Embroidery Project Connects Women Around the Globe


  • December 27, 2023 12:52 PM | Bryce Wolf
    I somewhat remember when this was being constructed. I think it is the inspiration for the "Lace Dress." I've been to the Fuller several times over the years. It's in Brockton but has lovely grounds. As a museum it has had its ups & downs. I've always had high hopes for it.
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