New England
Lace Group

MFA Boston exhibit on Renaissance women, may include lace

October 18, 2023 11:10 AM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)

I just got an email from MFA Boston about Renaissance Italian women in art, and they say it includes textiles. So of course I went to see if they meant lace, and it looks like they do. They appear to have a copy of the Parasole book included in the exhibit--so I bet there's some lace too.

Runs until January 7, 2024. 


  • November 12, 2023 4:30 PM | Carolyn Wetzel
    Hoping to get to it over Thanksgiving (along with the holiday multitudes).
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  • November 29, 2023 4:48 PM | Mary Mangan (Administrator)
    Definitely does include lace. There is a stunning towel with reticella trim. A lovely strip of needle lace edging. A wonderful beige series of panels of leaf and acorn (?) needle lace. That super fine linen that is just amazing, you know?

    A little cap and pillow have some really early looking bobbin lace.

    The Parasole book and another lace pattern book of the period are also shown. It's smaller than I thought. But the prints are still terrific.

    The Sargent exhibit also had lace on garments, including that Turkish needle lace, I think. On a real garment. Also a few other pieces, including a lovely Chantilly fan.

    I thought it was worth a day.
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New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025