I must say that I am enjoying Jill's indefatiguable attempts to gain entrance into her local lace group. Bravo for becoming a vendor at the sold- out a year in advance lace day! That is really thinking outside the box. I hope she was able to buy a ticket for 2014. It seems as though it was enjoyable and worth it. Also, it would appear as though other lace societies are opening their secret doors under Jill's relentless pounding. But, like a well-crafted mystery, the hints and foreshadowing keep coming. What is this about the local group that has no common members with the other local group? I am sitting on the edge of my chair to find out more. Is this simply a matter of the inconvenient scheduling, and other structural barriers, or is there an historical rivalry, possibly a blood feud? Will the newcomer figure out the mystery? Will she have to start a new lace group for people who were not born in the towns around Olney, Bedford and Milton Keynes? Will she discover a secret cache of mimeographed newsletters in a hollow tree that explains it all? I can't wait for the next installment!