New England
Lace Group

Visit to Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

  • October 19, 2019
  • 11:00 AM
  • ISGM, 25 Evans Way Boston, MA 02115


Registration is closed

For our field trip in October, NELG has arranged a visit to the beautiful Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. The visit will include a one-hour tour of the museum with an emphasis on textiles throughout the collection and then time to self-explore the galleries, including the Veronese room which contains the cabinets with the lace collection.

The cost is $20 for adults and $17 for seniors (65+) and NELG will subsidize $10 for registrants who are members. Last-minute arrivals and non-members are welcome, but will pay full price.

If you would like to join the tour, registration and advanced payment is required. A final headcount is due to the ISGM approximately 4 weeks' prior, so please register no later than September 21.

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025