New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

NELG loves to hear about what is going on in your life.  We hope that everyone will take a try at letting us know what new activities are going on. 

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  • February 09, 2015 11:18 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    There is a posting on Ning about hyperbolic tatting which was inspired by the hyperbolic crochet word done a while ago.  The links on the page are also interesting since many of them lead to the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef which is beautiful.  See:*M*lVkVxiCkKDXgkvZES9uImRI9DR6d5*5E-Te54YQgM07nM*LFJxlaKHH-5w6iU-Gm28GnaB/HyperbolicTatting.pdf


  • February 04, 2015 10:35 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    I saw a reference to this exhibit at the Smithsonian's American Art Museum ( ) this morning on the NPR website.  They had a picture of a lovely crocheted pigeon on the page, so I dug a little deeper and found the artist who had made this, Laurel Roth Hope.  Here is a link to the Smithsonian's page on her: .  She has several Crocheted birds there and I think they are gorgeous and perhaps at times even lacy.  Enjoy!

  • January 25, 2015 9:41 AM | Deleted user

    It looks like winter has finally decided to put in an appearance.  While the weather outside may be frightful,  the lace making indoors is delightful.  So here’s another lace making activity to keep you going through this season’s snow:

    The Lace Challenge ATC subject has been chosen for this year’s retreat and packets will be available at the February and March meetings.  Or, if you prefer, I will mail you a packet upon request.  Submit your original design ATC at Retreat and whether you participate or not, don’t forget to vote for your favorite design.  Prizes will be awarded! 

    More info will be in the February newsletter.


  • January 10, 2015 1:43 PM | Marjorie Dashef

    Alex Battershill posted on Bobbin Lace Maker's facebook page lovely silver midland bobbins.

  • January 06, 2015 1:19 PM | Katherine Moore

    Plymouth Craft, a recently-formed non-profit dedicated to promoting (nearly) lost and forgotten arts and trades, is sponsoring a lace workshop this Valentine's weekend, to be taught by none other than Holly Van Sciver!

    I am planning on attending as are several other lacemakers in the area.  Hopefully this will attract some beginners too!  Rest assured I will spread the word about NELG!

  • December 31, 2014 10:42 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)
    Yes, the holiday season is almost over for us.  New Years Day is a time when many of us contemplate changes in our lives.  While it is hard to follow all the resolutions we can generate, we can select a few that we can make happen.  If you are so inclined, may I make a few suggestions? 
    • The Creative Arts competition comes up quickly in terms of the pace of lace.  It is one way that the members of NELG can show this craft to the crowds at the Big E.  So, pick out a piece of lace to finish by the end of August.  You can always enter it by the end of July even if it still needs work.
    • Another way to show off your lace to the world is to send pictures of your lace with a short description or story behind it to our webmistress ( to go in the Member's Lace section of the website.  
    • As a reminder of the previous post, for those of you who are on Facebook, you can always "like" the NELG Facebook page.  Now for a New Years resolution, isn't this an easy one to accomplish?

    Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year,


  • December 27, 2014 1:36 PM | Marjorie Dashef

    If you are a facebook member please like the NELG page.

  • December 05, 2014 11:00 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    For those of you who do not subscribe to Arachne, the Lace Guild is once again offering an "Advent Calendar".  For those not familiar with it, a different lace picture is provided for the first 24 days in December, sometimes with the pricking.  Additionally, they have a contest where the hints are provided via a picture on several of the days.  This is a fun exercise in lace identification even if you don't enter the contest.  This year they are providing the usual version for your computer as well as one for your smart phone. See:    (for browsers)          (for smart phones)


  • November 22, 2014 11:29 AM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    Carolyn Wetzel gave a great program on Eastern Mediterranean (Armenian, Oya, Bibilla, etc.) last week at NELG.  To add to the list of books she mentioned, there is another recent book in French, Fleurs & Papillon en Broderie Oya.  Below is a link to the publisher's page which will give you an idea of what it contains.  There are lots of flowers and butterflies that can be used as accessories.

  • November 18, 2014 2:47 PM | Sharon Sacco (Administrator)

    I want to thank Rita Bartholomew for donating a copy of her new book, The Lost Art of Netting, to the NELG library.  I believe that those of us who went to the netting lesson at NELG last year had some preprint excerpts as handouts.  This is a labor of love with a lot of pictures detailing the methods.  She obviously is thinking there could be more since this is volume 1.  While I am not aware of any of the usual lace vendors offering her book at this time, for those who may be interested, it is on Amazon.  And, of course, you can request it from the NELG library.

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update August 29, 2024