To all our members and to lace enthusiats all over the United States, NELG takes this moment to wish to you a most Happy Thanksgiving Holiday coming up.
It is a time we spend with family and friends, maybe some football games, naps on the couch, the parade, lots of great turkey, dressing and the works, and let's not forget the great desserts. At my gathering, we begin our celebration with everyone giving a few words about what they are thankful for. For NELG - I'm thankful for all our members; I'm thankful to hear that those with medical issues are working through and improving- you are all in our thoughts and prayers; I'm thankful that we have our art, our lace and time to enjoy it; and I'm thankful for all the amazing individuals that make up our lace community.
May you all enjoy this holiday season - Best Wishes to you and yours - Patty Foley