New England
Lace Group

Postage Stamps with Lace ?

February 24, 2011 9:26 AM | Deleted user

Last weekend at the NELG meeting in Sturbridge Massachusetts, some how we got off on the discussion of postage stamps with lace on them.  I don't remember who brought it up, my apologies. Several days later I spoke with my philatelic dealer about this subject.

Many of us in the U.S. will remember the set of four that came out  in 1987 (Scott 2351-2354).  If we continue to look world wide, there have been quite few stamps that were either for the celebration of lace in its own right or where lace was used in the artwork of the stamp.

So it's given me an idea for a project for the group.  There is a great list at LaceFairy - Lace Stamps.  I've checked the American Topical Association for information regarding our love for lace and found a small bit of information, yet it hasn't been updated in awhile. 

So you may wonder why I have a dealer.  I, like many lace makers, have other interests and one of them is collecting First Day Covers ( for newbies it is the first day a stamp is used).   In my collection, I do have some postage stamps of Lace and now that someone else brought it up, it may be fun, in the down time between projects and redues, that we could assemble some of the stamps. 

Chime in - let me know your thoughts and we could set up a Forum on the subject and collect information for all to read about.

Now here's some think big ideas - present the collection at a stamp show and win a medal, prepare a petition to the Post Office to have another set of stamps issued to celebrate lace ( there must be a anniversary coming up ? ).

Thanks for all each of you do to promote Lace.



New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025