New England
Lace Group

Facebook - NELG is Live!

February 18, 2011 9:01 AM | Deleted user

Sometime yesterday we reached another on-line milestone.  Last weekend I started our Facebook page and we have gone over our 25 Likes to get an official page.  First - Thank You to so many friends, family, and of course, lace makers for helping us out.

I know, I know, I can hear the naysayers, but it's here to stay or this kid from Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg, wouldn't be raking in the bucks.  It is a method of communicating that is being used today. Do you remember when getting a website was the cat's meow?  Do you remember when a mobile phone was the size of a shoebox and had it's own carry case?  How about the "first laptops" - mine weighed in at 25 pounds!

So today NELG will embrace the new technology - if you could hear me I'm so excited!  We will still communicate via phone, email, our website, in person, this blog and now FB and eventually Twitter and any other device to get the word our about Lace! 

Thanks Jill for going along, thanks to our family and friends, and to Lace Makers worldwide.



New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025