New England
Lace Group

Bonus from Laura Bensley

February 15, 2011 9:13 AM | Deleted user

If yesterday's present didn't knock my socks off, Laura Bensley emailed this a.m. and said she has the last two issues that are missing to the NELG newsletter collection.

Thank you Laura Bensley for taking the time to look through your NELG stash and find them. 

There is something special about having the complete collection.  It's those lace makers that took their time and efforts to bring all of us together.  In the long effort to scan them, make sure they are readable, find a internet host to store the issues (free), and eventually make them available on-line to our membership.  Jill, we are just about ready to cross another to-do off our list!

Again, Thank you.

Happy Lacing, Patty

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated January 28, 2025