New England
Lace Group


June 19, 2013 9:56 AM | Deleted user
"A picture is a poem without words." Horace

Last weekend I mentioned to the group at the NELG meeting, that Billy Collins will be reciting his poetry at the Sunkin Garden in Farmington, CT on August 7th.  You can find more information by following the link.

His poem,  "Questions about Angels", was used for our inspiration for the Lace Challenge 2012.  Come back an view the pictures of the lace that was made.  Follow the link to read his poem once again.

If anyone can make the event, please let us know!   Thanks Doris S. for forwarding the newspaper article.

Love your Lace,

New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update October 16, 2024