New England
Lace Group

Volunteering - Library

November 07, 2012 9:37 AM | Deleted user
Hi all,

An organization is as strong as it's members.  Each of us bring talents to the organization.  Whether you can volunteer to serve on the Board, a committee, put on an event, or taking time to demo in public.  Each of these tasks are essential to the well being of our organization.  We recognized that our time we can contribute will ebb and flow with where we are on our life's journey.

I ask you now - what can you do for NELG?  We are still in need of two assistant librarians and the head librarian.  Both positions require coming to meetings.  One benefit you receive is to have three boxes of NELG books with you.    The 'paper work' is done by the head librarian who is to keep the library running, checking out books, and checking in books. There is a host of other duties including keeping some of the books too large to wheel around.   The assistant librarians bring their books to monthly meetings and to local gatherings.  The boxes assigned to the assistant librarians will be rotated during the year so that the local gatherings will have a fresh set to look at.

If you are interested  in some aspect of helping out - please contact me directly at

Thank you all,  Love your Lace


New England Lace Group © 1982-2024 Last update October 16, 2024