New England
Lace Group

Monthly Meeting

September 13, 2012 10:54 PM | Deleted user
Everyone should have received the notice for this month's meeting to be held Saturday.  It is the first meeting of our new year.  We open with a business meeting.  and then the day's program.  

We will be havinHenrietta Curtis speak with us about lace.  She has attended a couple of CT Lace Days and is such a lovely person.  She has a wide knowledge in fiber arts and is a joy to be with.  She is bringing some old pieces - so bring your white gloves.  If you don't have any, NELG will have a small supply of them.  The cotton white gloves are on sale at Walgreen's this week!

See you on Saturday!

New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated February 16, 2025