New England
Lace Group

Blog & News

NELG loves to hear about what is going on in your life.  We hope that everyone will take a try at letting us know what new activities are going on. 

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[Be aware ... to read the entire post - click on the "Read More" button under the post.]

  • August 08, 2011 11:29 AM | Deleted user

    News is beginning to come back to us from those members that attended IOLI convention in Maryland last week. 

    It seems that everyone had a good time and lots of work on their pillows.  Great time, great teachers!  The awards ceremony was nice and NELG received their certificate for volunteer hours.  I'm looking forward to seeing it and will post it on the site for all to admire.

    Those of you that attended, please send our Newsletter Editor, Gail,  a story about the convention, your work, the teacher you studied with so that we can all enjoy!

    The date for next year's convention, 2012, is already on our calendar.  It will be held in Minnesota for 2012, Utah for 2013, and 2014 is CA just about settled from my reading of the last issue of the Bulletin.  Wouldn't it be nice to bring the convention to New England in 2015??  Anyone game? 

  • August 07, 2011 1:45 PM | Deleted user

    I received this note from Laurie at the blog and new YouTube channel called LaceNews.  Go on to the site and you can see lots of video about lace.

    Re: LaceNews Channel - 8/2/2011

    Hi Patty,
    My apologies, I just found your email (I'm still getting used to all the features on YouTube). I really admire your organization, it seems very lively!
    If your group has any suggestions on how to better organize all those videos, please let me know. I'm trying to enlist the aid of tatters to sort all those out.
    I wish you best of luck on your upcoming term.

  • August 05, 2011 6:19 PM | Deleted user

    I was reading some of our old newsletters and came across the article about the Plimoth Jacket.  Some of our members were instrumental in the lace that is on the jacket. 

    Back in December 2009 the jacket was revealed and then was loaned to the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library.  It is currently displayed in their Textiles Gallery and beginning September 2011, it will be in their fall needlework exhibition.

    If you'd like to know more about this amazing piece of work, you can see the book on The Plimoth Jacket.  The book is filled with many pictures that show how this jacket came to life.  At the end there is a wonderful thankyou to the Lace Makers that made this possible.


  • August 04, 2011 10:00 AM | Deleted user

    Summer is a great time to just enjoy.  Before long we will be in the throws of the Fall.  Can you believe it?  I was feeling a bit of pressure to complete some tasks around my place, some of those UFP's (I've a list of them) and just looking ahead.

    In some reading, I came across this little ditty and I hope when the life's push gets to you, you too will remember that....

    Life is not a trip - it's a journey.

    A journey is filled with awe.

    A journey is filled with discovery.

    A journey is filled with the joy, the
    passion and the aliveness that you
    always believed would be a part of
    your life.  Tony Robbins


  • August 03, 2011 10:41 AM | Deleted user


    If you are wondering what to do with that left over skein of yarn, here's an ingenious little cable sweater for some lights.

    Thanks to mom for sending me the clipping!



  • August 03, 2011 10:35 AM | Deleted user

    We all need to take a moment and laught at ourselves.  One of my friends sent me this one and I hope you can get a smile...

    Shampoo Alert!

    As I was conditioning my hair in the shower this morning, I took time to read my shampoo bottle.  I am in shock!  The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my entire body says "for extra volume and body"!  Seriously, why have I not noticed this before?  Now I understand why I am so "full-figured!"  Tomorrow I am going to start using Dawn dish soap.  It says right on the label "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remore."  It pays to read the warning labels, my friends:)

  • July 19, 2011 3:31 PM | Deleted user
    Thank you to all that have stopped by our corner of the world.  In the last couple of days we have visitors near and far and have had more than 800 visitors.
    While we are taking in some of the summer, please be assured that NELG is planning some great events.  Mark your calendar now - The September NELG meeting, will be held on the 10th - we needed to changed the date.  We are meeting, as usual, at the Joshua Hyde Public Library in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. 
    Thanks to Hartford, Connecticut, US; Bristol, GB; Mexico, MX; Manchester, New Hampshire, US; Somerville, Massachusetts, US; Salvador, BR; Tacoma, Washington, US; Wethersfield, Connecticut, US; Greenwich, Connecticut, US;  and Orem, Utah, US just to name a few who have visited in the last couple of days.
  • July 17, 2011 11:39 PM | Deleted user

    Look at your email and come by the site - if you are a member, log in and go to the Members Only section to get your copy of the newsletter.

    Gail did a fantastic job once again!  Thank you Gail!

    Hope you all enjoy it,



  • July 16, 2011 12:40 PM | Deleted user

    Here's a video I found - has some absolutely amazing needle lace. Enjoy! -> Click the Read More at the bottom of this post to see the video

  • July 16, 2011 12:23 PM | Deleted user

    Hi all,

    You may be reading LaceNews  , a blog by Laurie Walters, for the international handmade lace community.  I was checking it today and found that LaceNews has started a YouTube channel.  It organizes the various YouTube lace videos in this one place.  According to an email with Laurie this a.m., "I keep finding new videos every day" and she indicates that it will take some time to get them organized.

    Hat's off to Laurie, I didn't realize that there were so many!  When you get to the YouTube site, the individual videos are organized in Play Lists.  Keep clicking around and you can see great ones - bobbin, needle, tatting, crochet.... etc. 

    To see the it  on YouTube click here The LaceNews Channel

    Enjoy the weekend and make some lace!


New England Lace Group © 1982-2025 Last updated January 28, 2025